Alexander Wang's SS13 footwear
configuration is not something to overlook. I cannot tell if he is aiming to
deconstruct the riding boot or embellish the gladiator sandal, either way, his
technique offers the audience a candid hybrid of industry and a raunchy heart.
With Stella McCartney, Valentino, and other designers pushing the clear,
plastic-like resources--similar looking to the '90s clear, jelly trend yet without the
sheer disgrace, there's no doubt that the transparent movement is a strong
survivor. It sparked with undergarments, then to blouses, off to dresses, now
to footwear. While many theorists agree that the foot is the least important
sensory district, Wang would beg to differ. Rather, he views footwear, at least
for this next season, as an externalization of raw, exposed femininity.